





wolves, the young and wild, are like those tiger cubs. They may not have the strength or experience of their elders, but they have a strong desire to survive and thrive. And when it comes to hunting, they are quick learners.

In one remarkable case in Yellowstone National Park, a pack of gray wolves was observed learning how to hunt from an older wolf named 21M. The younger wolves watched closely as 21M stalked and killed an elk. Then, under his guidance, they attempted to do the same thing. It took them several tries before they succeeded in catching their own prey.

This story shows us that even though wolf pups lack experience and physical strength compared with adult wolves, they still possess great potential for growth and development through observation and practice.

As we watch these young animals grow into powerful predators in the wilds of Africa or North America's wildernesses like Yellowstone National Park or Denali National Park & Preserve (formerly known as Denali), we can't help but admire their tenacity and resilience.

The life journey of a wolf pup is full of challenges: it must learn how to navigate its environment without getting lost; it must find food while avoiding becoming prey itself; it must also establish its position within its family group by demonstrating courage and resourcefulness during hunts.

At times like this night under moonlight on open grasslands where there is no threat nor fear nor doubt - such moments bring peace for all living beings here below sky above earth below water around fire above sun below stars above darkness around light above clouds below wind around breath...