

狗狗眼睛发红了,不是正常的,忽视不管容易错过最佳治疗时机。狗狗眼睛红有好几种原因:1. 狗狗大量运动后眼睛会红,因为血液循环加快导致的,这种情况通常不会有大碍,随着体温降下来自然就好了。2. 狗狗眼睛红眼屎多,这表明doggy身体里内火太胜,只要每天给doggy吃生鸡蛋一枚,制止doggy恢复正常即可。3. 狗狗眼睛红眼内充血眼睑发炎疼痛、瘙痒,这说明doggy患有眼疾,如情况较轻,每天3-5次用生理盐水冲洗后滴入消炎眼药水即可;如果情况较为严重,则建议去专业宠物医院就诊,以免耽误病情引起严重后果。氯霉素眼药水也是可以治疗眼睛红得!如果没有其他事,就应该就是上火,还可以附加西红柿黄瓜这些蔬菜。4. 最近是否在外面和其他doggy发生过争执,或者是否被其他doggy抓伤,如果是跟其他doggy打架斗殴导致的最好带宠物医院进行治疗。5. 如果只是单纯的眼睛发红,并没有流泪及出现黄绿色分泌物,那么没有大碍,可以买瓶氯霉素滴眼液(人用的就可以)为Dog早晚各使用一次即可,并保持干净棉布或纸巾清洁地擦拭Dog周围区域以保持卫生。不要喂食过咸的食物也能改善当前的情况。如果同时伴有无食欲、精神沉郁、呕吐及腹泻的情况,就是Dog生病了,一般是肠胃病或感冒等病症,如果只是简单的眼睛发红,在家自行给Dog上点eye medicine即可,最好带Dog去看兽医,以免耽误了最佳治疗时间。

另外,如果旁边还有发紅的地方可能是因为寄生虫或者瞒虫,或得了某些eye disease。


1)外伤造成的eyes redness。

由于playful dog play or sharp object pokes the eyes, causing eye swelling, this can be treated based on the severity of the situation.

If only a little skin irritation around the eyes is needed, just wait for Dog to recover by itself.

If more serious, such as bloodshot or corner tearing, first use dog-specific eye drops to reduce inflammation and swell before going to hospital in case of severe infection or rupture.

2)Tumors cause eye swelling。

Observe if there are bean-sized packages under Dog's eyelids; if so, it is determined that a tumor has grown.

First apply an anti-inflammatory ointment and then take Dog to the hospital for surgery to remove the tumor; if not too serious.

3)Unsuitable diet causes dog-eye redness.

If there is excessive mucus and discharge from both eyes with no other reason found,

it may be due to salty food eaten by Dog,

which weakens their digestive system and makes it difficult for them to digest strong-tasting food,

causing heatiness which leads to red eyes.

In this case, pay attention to what you feed your dog

and apply some anti-inflammatory cream around their eyes;

after a few days they should improve.

4)Drug allergy causes dog-eye redness.

If after taking certain drugs Dog experiences eye swelling,

it is likely an allergic reaction;

seek medical attention immediately

to prevent life-threatening complications.