






清洁也是荷兰猪的一种自然行为,它们就像猫咪一样,用舌头不断地清理身体,比如洗脸、吃便便都是营养重吸收,不必刻意改正这个习惯。只吃半截或者只是叼一会就放下,也许是你给的营养含量太高了,便便里还有很多没吸收完的,所以他们就会吃,但由于本身已经摄入足够营养了所以只吃一半。有的DD都会发现 pigs常常这样“吃BB”,仔细观察就会发现其实他们是在“自我安慰”,由于DD发情比较频繁(基本上每天都会)所以他们也是要自我安慰一下子的。

挠痒痒是一种很普遍的情况,比如我家piggy 洗澡后背部还没完全吹干时毛发还是一条一条结在一起的时候,它们就开始挠背使自己的毛变得松一些。而小奶piggy也有这个动作。但不是因为病,而是为了保护自己比如水果的时候为了保护食物,他们就会蓬起来让自己看起来大一些但如果看到piggy毛突然膨开还是得引起重视极度虚弱的是“炸毛”的

蹦蹦跳跳通常表明hog is happy and excited, especially when they see their owner or get treats. They may also exhibit this behavior when they are playing or exploring their environment.

委屈和害怕则是不好的迹象。当hog feels threatened or scared, it will lower its head, flatten itself against the ground, and close its eyes. This is a clear sign of submission or fear.

寻求安全感也是正常现象,有时候new piglets might freeze up for hours on end as they adjust to their new surroundings. But if your hog has been in the house for a while and suddenly starts freezing up again, it could be a sign of illness.

攻击性则是一个需要注意的问题。当hog feels threatened or territorial, it will stand tall with its ears back and tail raised. If it attacks you directly, it may bite down hard on your hand.

兴奋和玩耍则另一个方面,当hog gets excited about something (like food), it will start making noises like "oink oink" and jump around in circles. When they play with each other, they often roll over onto their backs exposing their bellies to each other - a sign of trust.

摸头顶虽然有些hogs don't like having their heads touched but some do enjoy being scratched behind the ears where there are many nerve endings that stimulate pleasure hormones in the brain!

最后,我们必须了解到当hogs reach puberty around 6-8 months old (depending on breed) changes occur that can make them more difficult to handle: increased aggression from males towards females; females becoming more skittish due to hormonal fluctuations; both sexes exhibiting heightened sensitivity to touch and noise; increased energy levels leading to destructive behavior if not provided enough exercise! So remember patience is key!