大多数热带鱼种类prefer aquatic worms as their main food source; when fish food is dominated by snails, the feeding time should be controlled within 10-30 minutes; and for those with waterworms, it's best to feed them within 5-10 minutes, twice or thrice a day, ensuring the worms are clean and fresh.
When using small freshwater shrimp as the main food source, it's recommended to feed them less frequently but in larger portions, gradually increasing the amount over time. Before transporting hot fish, they should be fasted for 1-2 days.
Common mistakes in caring for tropical fish
Caring for tropical fish is not an easy task; many beginners buy expensive tropical fish home only to realize that they have been fed improperly after a short period of time; some people place their aquariums directly under the sun without realizing that this can lead to rapid death of their aquatic friends.
What are the most common misconceptions about caring for tropical fish?
Mistake #1: Don't use tap water
Many people believe that tap water cannot be used to feed tropical fish because it contains hydrogen gas which could harm them. However, this is not entirely accurate since tap water has a neutral pH level suitable for feeding tropical fish as long as you remove any hydrogen gas from it through methods such as air drying or chemical treatment.
Mistake #2: Change all of the tank water at once
Adding new water to your aquarium does not need to be done all at once nor does it require removing all living organisms from the tank first. It's best practice is adding no more than one-quarter of your total tank volume each week during winter months and upping that frequency during summer and fall months.
Mistake #3: The higher temperature is better
Tropical Fish are extremely sensitive to temperature fluctuations which can cause immediate death if conditions aren't met between 20°C - 30°C (68°F - 86°F). Different species may have different tolerance levels though - swordtails and guppies tolerate temperatures below freezing while rainbowfish will die off at temperatures below 18°C (64°F).
Controlling Temperature Options include placing your aquarium near direct sunlight or using electric heaters/heat mats etc., man-made heating solutions
Mistake #4: Feed too much
Investing in excessive amounts of food can lead to poor quality living conditions causing fatalities among your pets. Feeding times should ideally occur between morning hours (9 am) until late afternoon (around midday), followed by another session around early evening (5 pm). Make sure there's a fixed spot where you place food so they eat together efficiently avoiding waste & spoilage ensure freshness always!