2、报纸法:利用条件反射原理建立习惯。每当dog wakes up or after eating,引导dog to the designated area where you want them to defecate. Use simple gestures and language to encourage them, allowing them to associate these actions with the desired outcome. Collecting urine and thoroughly cleaning the area is crucial. Place several sheets of newspaper in areas where dog tends to urinate, cultivating their habit of using it as a toilet. Gradually move the newspaper until dog learns to defecate on command.
3、空间限制法:通过设置围栏,将活动范围缩小到三个区域—进食区、休息区和排泄区—让dog learn which area is for what purpose. Immediately reward dog with interaction or treats when they use the correct location, while ignoring misbehavior by not cleaning up or interacting if they don't follow instructions. Once consistency is achieved, gradually expand space while monitoring whether dog continues using designated areas; if not, revert back until successful before expanding further.
These methods train dogs into habits that make life easier for both owner and pet: 100 unique names can be found online that attract wealth according to Chinese culture; mastering training techniques like this will bring prosperity through your relationship with your furry friend!