

户外活动是狗狗保持健康的必修课,但面对湿冷空气的魔法攻击,铲屎官难免担忧毛孩子会被冻到。那样,这下问题就来了,担忧狗狗畏冷,我该减少遛狗时长甚至不带它出门吗?dog dog winter afraid of cold to go out to walk or not.

dog dog's fur is its "true coat", some even have a "two-layer down jacket". For example, the famous sled dogs, they have a thick layer of fur on the bottom as well, which helps to resist common low temperatures. Except for thick-furred dogs that can withstand cold weather, dark-coated dogs are more tolerant of cold than light-colored ones. Larger breeds are also more tolerant of cold than smaller ones. Young adult dogs will be more resistant to cold than puppies and senior dogs.

So, only worrying about reducing walking time without wanting your furry friend to spend more time outdoors doesn't apply to all doggos. Next, exercise with your dog causes heat generation, which can help solve low temperatures. Taking your dog out for a stroll is actually the simplest form of exercise.

Just like two-legged humans going for a walk if you achieve a certain level of physical activity, your furry friend will generate heat inside their body too. Theoretically speaking, if your dog's outdoor activities are very lively, it can produce enough heat to cope with the cold.

However, dear pet owners don't underestimate this either. In reality,

the fearfulness of dogs in the cold also depends on many other factors related to their living conditions.

Don't determine whether or not you should reduce walking times based solely on how you feel yourself; instead look at these signs from your furry friend:

When taking them out in freezing weather and they start shivering uncontrollably

They constantly whine during walks

They suddenly become anxious or stretch out one or multiple front paws

Their behavior becomes sluggish and their paw pads excessively icy

If any of these symptoms occur in your pup when taken outside in winter weather conditions,

it means they're really scared and it's no longer suitable for them “to patrol” again.

Remember this six-word truth: frequent walks + regular wiping dry.

Frequent walks:

Adjusting walking methods according to natural outdoor conditions and considering age-related health issues,

you could take shorter routes but make up for lost ground by increasing frequency rather than duration.

This way you won't reduce physical activity but improve tolerance towards harsh winter conditions instead.

Regular wiping dry:

After bringing home Fido after an outing in snowfall,

make sure he dries off thoroughly so he doesn’t catch chill;

and remove salt residue from his paw pads before letting him lick himself clean – otherwise risk inducing vomiting & diarrhea!

In case Fido isn’t particularly afraid nor longs indoors much - then put on those clothes - grab that leash - let Fluffy frolic freely!