




因为猫和狗的语言障碍,狗摇尾巴表示快乐,而猫则表示愤怒;狗会用呜呜声来表达友谊,而cats are a challenge, they can't be friends with dogs.

你必须确定你的铲屎官是否能接受一个新的“小伙伴”。脾气暴躁的cat even cannot accept another cat in the house, let alone a dog! Some cats have been bullied by dogs before, and seeing a dog will trigger their aggression. They might attack the dog as soon as they see it.

想带回家的dog能和cat and get along?

Some dogs are naturally hostile towards cats. Although they're friendly to humans, at the sight of a cat, their hunting instincts kick in and they want to kill it!

Cats steal food from your kitchen counter while dogs also steal cat food.

However, cats need more protein than dogs do; if you feed them dog food, they'll be malnourished! If you feed them human food instead of proper cat nutrition, that's not good for them either!

Both cats and dogs have strong territorial instincts - if an intruder enters their territory without permission (or doesn't pay respect), one or both of these pets may feel uncomfortable enough to start fighting.

If you want to bring home a new furry friend but don't know how your existing pet(s) will react:

Let them sniff each other out gradually so that everyone gets used to each other's scent.

Make sure there is no place where the feline member can hide from canine members' reach or vice versa!

Do not force these two animals together when one seems scared or aggressive; this could lead to unexpected conflicts between family members too!

While having both cats and dogs living under one roof might seem like blissful harmony at first glance but beware: such cohabitation often turns into an endless war rather than peaceable coexistence until we ensure mutual understanding among our beloved companions before letting loose any fur babies upon our homes!

Do any readers who've successfully integrated felines & canines share advice on how best manage life with multiple pets?