此前,黄某与季某之间存在货款纠纷,季某儿子曾向黄某支付81250元用于购买种猫,但黄某未按约定购买,而后退还1250元并承诺于2022年2月1日前还清80000元。但黄某最终未归还任何款项给季某,其债权转让给了季 certain. Season subsequently sued Huang, but ultimately did not receive the owed money.
The case was heard by the Jiangsu Provincial Zhangjiagang City People's Court, which issued an execution judgment on June 9, 2022. The court ordered Huang to fulfill his obligations as determined in the (2022) Su0582 Civil Execution No. 65 Judgment, but he failed to do so. As a result, the court seized all of Huang's 13 pet cats and scheduled them for auction.
The auction announcement stated that the Jiangsu Jingdong Information Technology Co., Ltd., which was entrusted by the court to provide consultation and viewing services for this auction, had never before conducted a judicial sale of pets. The company revealed that these cats were being cared for by Mr. Qi at his home.
The price range for each cat varied from $500 to $2000, with different breeds having different prices. If there were no bidders during the first auction or if it resulted in a failure to sell (流拍), then subsequent auctions would be held at a reserve price set at 80% of the initial reserve price.
Some netizens expressed concerns about the health status of these animals since there was no veterinary report provided on their details page nor any information regarding their vaccination or sterilization status available from other sources. However, representatives from Jingdong assured that they knew nothing more than what was written down – they did not have access to additional information about their health conditions either.
In conclusion, this is an unprecedented event where pets are being sold off through legal means due to unpaid debts and raises questions over animal welfare concerns amidst financial struggles within families who own such exotic animals as silver fox dogs and rare feline breeds like golden tiger cats among others involved here; whether one can truly expect justice when faced against those who don't follow rules?