Ⅰ “很晚,你还要玩耍吗?” “我就是将它们整理好放入框里哦。” 有些狗狗特别乖巧,每次睡觉前都会把自己玩具整理好,十分的放心。而它把玩具收好,便是在向铲屎官表明自己要休息了。
Ⅱ “你怎么突然在饮水呀?渴了吗?” “我这不是怕半夜口渴嘛。” 狗狗会习惯在睡前去碗里猛喝几口水,这能够避免狗狗半夜口渴,要醒来找水喝,这也是doggy要睡觉时的暗示。
Ⅲ “如何一直在我这哼哼唧唧的?怎么啦?” “到点睡觉啦,要摸摸我讲晚安啦” 有些doggy必须主人摸下,使它入睡更踏实。假如sleep time到了,doggy一直在你身边不停,甚至传出撒娇声响,就是它准备要sleep了,想要获得主人的muzzle,同时,也在提示主人也该休息了。
Ⅳ “你怎么转来转去的,发生什么了吗?” “I'm patrolling, the house is safe to sleep.” 狗dog有极强警觉性,在sleep 前,有可能在家中晃来晃去,这是其patrol工作,保证安全,然后才肯欣然入sleep.
因此主人看到他有这种行为,就能知道doggy是要rest now.
Ⅵ "You're so early to lie down already?" "I help you warm up the bed!" If doggo usually sleeps with owner, it will jump on owner's bed when it's tired, indicating that it wants to sleep too. Now more and more people are used to sleeping with their doggos, can follow their doggos more closely. But for those who sleep with their doggos, there are some things they should pay attention to:
01 Maintain cleanliness of your furry friend. Let them lick themselves after playtime! Make sure your furry friend is clean before snuggling in for a nap or night's rest.
02 Regular grooming sessions - just like humans need haircuts and showers, dogs do too! Keep an eye out for any tangles or knots in your furry friend's fur and give them a good brushing every now and then.
03 Consider using a waterproof mattress protector or pet blanket - while our furry friends may be adorable as they curl up beside us at night, they shed quite a bit (especially during shedding season). This can lead to hair getting all over the place in your home!
04 Pay attention if your furry friend starts losing fur excessively; this could be due to poor diet or lack of proper care. A healthy diet rich in nutrients can help keep those beautiful locks intact!
In conclusion: does your house have any late-night visitors saying goodnight? Head back to Longchuan Pet Net for more information on how you can create the perfect co-sleeping experience for both you and your beloved pup!