




因为猫和狗的语言障碍,狗摇尾巴表示快乐,而猫则表示愤怒;狗会用呜呜声来表达友谊,而cats are a challenge, they can't be friends with dogs.

你必须确定你的cat是否能接受一个新的“小伙伴”。脾气暴躁的cat甚至不能接受家里多了一只cat,更不用说一只语言障�stacle了?有些cats have been abused by dogs before and will attack them as soon as they see them.


Some dogs are naturally hostile towards cats. They may be friendly to humans but the moment they see a cat, their hunting instincts kick in and they want to kill it.

Cat will steal, dog will steal cat food.

However, cats need more protein than dogs do and eating dog food can lead to malnutrition for cats while eating cat food can make dogs overweight.

Cats and Dogs have strong territorial instincts against intruders which can cause wars between them.

If you're bringing a dog home, you must isolate them from the cat at first so that they can get used to each other's scents slowly without any aggression.

Prepare a safe area for your cat where the dog cannot disturb it,

Don't force your cat and dog to be together when the cat is scared because it might go crazy on the dog or people around,

When your cat and dog interact, make sure not to let your cat grab onto your dog's eyes!

Dogs shouldn't bite cats either until you've made sure that they get along peacefully before leaving them alone together!

Living with both pets might not give you what you wanted - peace - but instead endless war! Before deciding whether or not bring home another pet,

So if there are any of our readers out there who have successfully managed their feline-canine household dynamics please share some tips! Let us know how we could make this work better...